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His brother, Forrest was the Pewter City Gym leader and she was looking forward to battling him. On the outskirts of the city she ran into a man who was trying to sell her so rocks as souvenirs. Ashley was prepared for this, by her father, and told Flint who she was. Flint was happy to meet her and took her to the Pewter City Gym. After catching up with her Uncle Brock eating lunch prepared by him, and showing him her pokemon, Ashley was ready to challenge the Forrest. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.Upon entry to the gym, she was greeted by Ludicolo, Steelix, Geodude, Forretress, Crobat, Swampert, and Sudowoodo. Leon originally started out as a Trainer at the age of 10 with his partner Charizard when he entered the Gym Challenge after he was endorsed by Rose, who saw talent in him. He proceeded to win his first-ever Gym Challenge and become the Champion of the Galar League, without losing a single battle.

Since then, he and his partner have remained undefeated in every league and exhibition they participated in. He has been referred to as 'the unbeatable Champion' and 'the greatest Trainer in all of Galar.' He is considered a hero to many Trainers in Galar.

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However, he is also known for his poor sense of directions.

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