If you’re not sure where to start or can’t quite put your finger on it, here’re some questions (all asked in good faith) that might give you some inspiration: Is the asker’s username part of the problem? Is his “blog header text” part of the problem? (For mine, that would be “Queer Memes” and “Asexual, aromantic, nonbinary, they/them pronouns.
Similarly, there are lucky guys out there who have penises that are two standard deviations above average and are considered, by definition, to be blessed large.
So, if it’s not too much to ask, could you try to explain what’s uncomfortable about it? I’d really appreciate it. The foundation of 'inside you there are two wolves' memes originates from a Cherokee legend wherein a grandfather tells his grandson about a 'terrible fight' between two wolves inside him. I do try to make my blog be a comfortable, positive space for people, but it’s clear that I’ve missed the mark this time, and I don’t really understand why. My bottom self has two bottom wolves, so they just sit there and do nothing. The Wolves of Vinland raised 3000 on GoFundMe to purchase materials for a Viking-style longhall, and accepted donations from white nationalist organizations such as Counter Currents Publishing.Members of the group routinely post photos of ritual animal slaughter on Instagram. I’m sorry to hear that ask made you uncomfortable.